Coaching DVDs at Championship Productions

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Making the Routine Play

The game of Baseball is a game of outs. Therefore, limiting your opponent’s number of outs is an absolute must, if you expect to win the close games. The difference between a good team and an average team is the ability to make the routine play. Good teams, at all levels, are tough to score on, while average teams generally find a way to give up more outs than they should.

Example: When your opponent turns to,” sacrifice bunt”, an out must be made. Many big innings have come form committing the cardinal sin of, not getting an out on the bunt.

A good rule of thumb for bunt defenses is the “KISS” rule (Keep It Simple Stupid). Keeping your bunt defenses simple, while being in one set defense 90% of the time, can go a long way to ensure an out on the play. This limits confusion, gives consistency and will make the play routine. Remember, Baseball is one place in life where a sacrifice is really appreciated, so take the out and get back to the business of being tough to score on.