Coaching DVDs at Championship Productions

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Ideal Athlete

What makes the, “Ideal Athlete”? Most people would say a combination of speed, strength, agility and power. These physical attributes do go a long way in determining the success one may have in competition. However, there are other characteristics that go into the making of the ideal athlete: Humility, Loyalty, Dependability and Respect. These character traits, or the lack of them, will go a long way in determining one’s success in life. Both must be taught, developed, modeled and nurtured.

When I think of someone who has all the physical and character traits of the ideal athlete, Tiger Woods comes to mind immediately. His recent handling of Kelley Tilghman’s remark, speaks volumes of his character. Tiger had many people, groups and organizations pressuring him into speaking out about race. However, he chose to remain true to his character and forgive a friend. Thank you Tiger.