On January 19, 2016, I suffered a mild heart attack that sent me to an ER for stabilization and testing. The next morning I had three stints placed in my heart through a femoral artery in my left leg to clear blockages. After the surgery my doctor informed me that he had called in a specialist to take a look at my echo-cardiogram to determine if the stints were enough. Upon receiving the news they were not, open heart surgery was scheduled three days later. I ended up having a quadruple by pass along with a titanium plate placed in my chest to hold the sternum and ribcage together.
The long road back to "normal" is still a work in progress 9 1/2 months later. However, the care and treatment I received, along with the rehab instruction and encouragement and the prayerful support of friends and family, have made a huge difference in my recovery.
Tomorrow (11/11/16) at 10AM I will return to the diamond for the first time in over a year to umpire the game I love at Los Alimitos High School. At 65 years of age I am just as excited for game day as I was as a 16 year old kid. Can't wait to say, "Play Ball!"