Coaching DVDs at Championship Productions

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Baseball is a sport with a long history of superstition. It's a game of rituals, routines, secrets, and superstitions. A timeless game played by grown men who get paid to be boys. Superstitious boys. From the very famous Curse of the Great Bambino to some players' refusal to wash their clothes or shave after a win. No major sport has more rituals or superstitions than baseball.

The desire to keep a number a player has been successful with is strong in baseball. In fact anything that happens prior to something good or bad in baseball, can give birth to a new superstition. Players avoid touching the foul lines as if they are the third rail. They never talk to the pitcher during the late stages of a no-hitter. Some behave as if the baseball gods will strike them dead if they don't follow the same rituals.

First baseman Dick Stuart -- known as "Dr. Strangeglove" -- used to get comfortable in the batter's box and then take his used gum out and toss it across the plate. Third baseman Wade Boggs made it into the Hall of Fame with a routine of eating chicken before every game, taking batting practice at exactly 5:17, and running wind sprints at exactly 7:17. He also took exactly 150 ground balls in practice and carved the Hebrew "chai" symbol in the dirt each time he stepped to the plate, even though he is not Jewish. Shortstop Nomar Garciaparra taught a whole generation of New England kids to tap their toes and adjust their batting gloves before they stepped in.

Hall of Famer Richie Ashburn used to sleep with his bat. Tony La Russa wore a bulletproof vest covered by a warm-up jacket after receiving a death threat while managing the Chicago White Sox. But when his team went on a winning streak, he kept wearing the jacket. Mike Hargrove of the Orioles used to do so much fiddling and diddling at home plate that he was dubbed "The Human Rain Delay."

Tiger Mark Fidrych conversed with baseballs and wanted them thrown out of the game after he gave up a hit. Steve Finley and Darin Erstad wore mineral pouches to ward off injuries. Roger Clemens used to pat Babe Ruth's plaque in Monument Park at Yankee Stadium on the way to the mound. Larry Walker of the Cardinals had an obsession with the No. 3. He wore No. 33. He got married at 3:33, and reportedly paid a $3 million settlement to his ex-wife, according to the book "Jinxed:

Superstitions. Many people have some kind of superstition, but baseball players and managers seem to have more than most.......and most will never give them up!!!! Rally caps anyone?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Timely Hitting

This time of year teams are fighting for one or some combination of the following; a playoff spot, seeding in the playoffs, League Title or pride. After a long season, (summer, fall, winter and spring) key games during the end of the season push usually come down to timely hitting. Most teams have figured out their pitching and defense which will keep them in games if all other variables are equal. However, it is timely hitting which will usually determine the outcome.

Timely hitting can come from anywhere in your line-up, that's the beauty of it. This makes it not about who, but when. Building confidence in your players that anyone can be the right guy at the right moment, can give players a reason to work hard down the stretch. The Playoffs usually find opposing coaches focusing on trying to stop or slow down one or two key players, leaving the door open to others to deliver key blows for their teams.

This is a good time of year to cut practice a little short and work with players who are struggling. By putting in extra time with them individually, you communicate their importance to the team, build their confidence and increase their probability of delivering that timely hit.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Most High School Baseball programs choose to play in tournaments during the Easter break to stay sharp and to get in additional games. However, some schools chose to take a more conservative approach of: a few short practices, play one or two single contests during the same period of time, scaling back the scheduling demands. Which approach is the best?

There are many variables to consider when thinking through which option is best for your program: number of games, number of days, competition, pitching and gains for your program vs set backs. However, a good rule of thumb when scheduling a tournament (especially during a vacation period) is, playing somewhere you can be competitive. This will go a long way in cementing feelings of time well spent for both players and supporters. It will also help build confidence and positive mental attitude for the league games that follow after the vacation period.

Don't fall into the trap of keeping up with higher divisional programs when it comes to tournament play. Do what is best for your team and the personnel you have.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Handling Mistakes

It is unproductive for a coach to criticize an athlete in the presence of others, yet it happens quite often. This can have a more damaging effect on team unity if done in a public setting say, after a game in view of all the spectators. Punishing the team for the mistakes of a few can only lead to division, certainly not unity. Besides, most coaches I know have made a few mistakes themselves. It is a part of life. But, how we handle our players mistakes is what defines our character and eventually our reputation.

The handling of mistakes should be done one on one and away from the public eye. Say, on the practice field the next day. This gives time for all parties to think more rationally about the degree of the mistake. Especially in the light of the following:

1) All players make mistakes. So, Expect mistakes.
2) Players don't intend to make mistakes.
3) Players don't like to make mistakes.
4) Players want to "make up" for mistakes made.
5) Players want to learn from their mistakes.
6) Players are hurt more by self-regarding feelings than criticism from others when they make mistakes.

So remember this before punishing the team for the mistakes of a few. All the running of bases after a game will not change the fact the majority of your team did not make the mistake. But it can change the majority of the team's view of their coach.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Coach's Check List

Through 30 years in Baseball and Athletic Administration I have compiled a "Coach's Check List" that I feel every coach should coach by! This list reflects the duties and responsibilities accepted when one becomes a coach. Remember, coaching involves far more than filling out a line up card, recruiting players or calling a pitch. Here are a few key duties for all coaches.

1) Be fair to every player. Treat every player equally and with the same respect.
2) Always be honest with your players. Be mindful that praise is a great motivator.
3) Speak "one-on-one" with every player, every day. This may be something as simple as the question, "Jon, how is your day going?" Build relationships not walls or platforms.
4) Always remember that you are a role model, on and off the field, for all players and kids. You must remember that everything you do is observed. Everything you say is heard and can have a profound positive or negative affect on a player.
5) Remember that to be a good coach, you must first be a good teacher. Structure and organization are a must in teaching the fundamentals, rules and skills of the game. Coach the details during the game to help players learn and perform to their highest level.
6) Be mindful that character development and self-confidence are what sports are all about. Kids do not have to play. They play because they love the game! Be sure you do not take that love from them.
7) Finally, teach that "WINNING is NOT EVERYTHING" but PREPARING to WIN" is. A good work ethic on the field will carry over into a good work ethic in life.

Have a great season as you coach your athletes on more than Baseball.